Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Have you ever noticed

If that was Christmas then we've had it. On to 2009 we go with much hope and anticipation. The last week or so I have had a lot of trouble with the big toe on my right foot but today the pain has subsided and I feel fit again so I figure as the calendar ticks over to January I might as well take the decorations and tree down. To my great surprise I find Joy has already done an hour ago so my life is easy.

I should go and edit something. Lord knows I have enough work there that needs it. The trouble with being a prolific writer is that you need to be a prolific editor and rewriter.

Instead though I pick up a stack of my Christmas presents still sitting where I placed them a week ago. The Bodies left Behind by Jeffrey Deaver, Body of lies by David Ignatius, Inside their minds - Australian Criminals by Rochelle Jackson and Bullies, bastards and bitches - How to write the bad guys of fiction by Jessica Page Morrell. I will get to them all soon but first I must finish The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. I guess writers get books fro Christmas.

I can't sit around and watch Joy do all the work around the house while I sit and read of course so I get the boxes for the trees (we use false ones) and go to the shed where she has left the disassembled trees.

I pull the big one off the bench first and too late I realise the bottom of the small one, with all the electronics and heavy base to keep it stable, falls from the bench.

Have you ever noticed how things dropped seem to be able to find your weakest point. I cannot move the big toe on my right foot quick enough ...


Kim said...

hello Bernard
Happy New Year !!
thanks for your comment at PoeARTica...
you are more than welcome to contribute your work..
email me at with your selection and a short bio too :)
I usually post contributer's poems/short stories every Friday :)

Bernard J Rossi said...

Thanks Kim, I will send something early next week as it is Friday already (where I am it is anyway) and I have some house chores to do!

Bernard J Rossi said...

Most Reverend Gregori, your are most welcome. I wish you a Happy New Year also and I will be stopping by your blog occasionally to see how you are going and to say hello.